How many Deaths to Clear?
NameHow many Deaths to Clear?
ALL achievements10
Overall progress (33%)
Hidden achievements0
Very simple (49%):Clear the game within 60 minutes
Very folding (16%):Clear the game within 5 minutes

Save the link to your profile and you will see a list of achievements which have the introduction of the profile.
Icon Achievement Name OK? Progress Hidden?!
The Final Challenge The Final Challenge
Clear the game without updating the save point even once.
Clear the game within 60 minutes Clear the game within 60 minutes
Clear the game within 60 minutes.
Clear the game within 30 minutes Clear the game within 30 minutes
Clear the game within 30 minutes.
Clear the game within 15 minutes Clear the game within 15 minutes
Clear the game within 15 minutes.
Clear the game within 10 minutes Clear the game within 10 minutes
Clear the game within 10 minutes.
Clear the game within 5 minutes Clear the game within 5 minutes
Clear the game within 5 minutes.
Clear the game with under 100 deaths Clear the game with under 100 deaths
Clear the game with under 100 deaths.
Clear the game with under 50 deaths Clear the game with under 50 deaths
Clear the game with under 50 deaths.
Clear the game with under 10 deaths Clear the game with under 10 deaths
Clear the game with under 10 deaths.
One and Done One and Done
Clear the game without dying even once.

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