Two Portals - A Gemstone Puzzle Game
NameTwo Portals - A Gemstone Puzzle Game
ALL achievements16
Overall progress (72%)
Hidden achievements0
Very simple (96%):First checkpoint portal!
Very folding (54%):You know you're a very good player!

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First checkpoint portal! First checkpoint portal!
Pass through the first checkpoint portal
Padlocks unlocked! Padlocks unlocked!
Unlock the padlocks and reach the checkpoint portal
A gemstone, a passage A gemstone, a passage
Activate the gemstone to make the passage join to the grid, and reach the checkpoint portal
Two gemstones, two passages Two gemstones, two passages
Activate the two gemstones and reach the checkpoint portal
Keep going! New levels are coming! Keep going! New levels are coming!
Solve the puzzle and reach the checkpoint portal! New levels in a new background color are coming!
Three gemstones, three passages Three gemstones, three passages
Activate the three gemstones and reach the checkpoint portal
Five gemstones?! Things are getting harder! Five gemstones?! Things are getting harder!
Activate the five gemstones and reach the checkpoint portal
Six gemstones?! You're doing great! Six gemstones?! You're doing great!
Activate the six gemstones and reach the checkpoint portal
Stay focused! New levels are coming! Stay focused! New levels are coming!
Solve the puzzle and reach the checkpoint portal! New levels in a new background color are coming!
Two padlocks, four gemstones Two padlocks, four gemstones
Activate the four gemstones, unlock the two padlocks, and reach the checkpoint portal
Two padlocks, five gemstones Two padlocks, five gemstones
Activate the five gemstones, unlock the two padlocks, and reach the checkpoint portal
Go ahead! Go ahead!
Solve the puzzle and reach the checkpoint portal! New levels in a new background color are coming!
Seven gemstones?! Awesome! Seven gemstones?! Awesome!
Activate the seven gemstones and reach the checkpoint portal
Eight gemstones?! Wow! Eight gemstones?! Wow!
Activate the eight gemstones and reach the checkpoint portal
Nine gemstones?! LOL! Nine gemstones?! LOL!
Activate the nine gemstones and reach the checkpoint portal
You know you're a very good player! You know you're a very good player!
Solve the puzzle and reach the checkpoint portal

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