Racing Tanks!
NameRacing Tanks!
ALL achievements13
Overall progress (18%)
Hidden achievements0
Very simple (34%):No comments at all...
Very folding (3%):Key Master!

Save the link to your profile and you will see a list of achievements which have the introduction of the profile.
Icon Achievement Name OK? Progress Hidden?!
Not enough time! Not enough time!
Lose a 59 seconds round by having the timer reach 0.
The cutest of all! The cutest of all!
Win a game of at least 20 points in singleplayer with Skyty.
No comments at all... No comments at all...
Win a game of at least 20 points in singleplayer with Darkar.
Not a short race. Not a short race.
Finish a game of 100 rounds.
In the blink of an eye! In the blink of an eye!
Win a game in the "Race" gamemode of at least 20 points in singleplayer.
Supreme Brawler! Supreme Brawler!
Win a game in the "Brawl" gamemode of at least 20 points in singleplayer.
You can't hide from me! You can't hide from me!
Win a game in the "Ghost" gamemode of at least 20 points in singleplayer.
Only one will stand... Only one will stand...
Win a game in the "Smash" gamemode of at least 20 points in singleplayer.
Treasure hunter! Treasure hunter!
Win a game in the "Treasure" gamemode of at least 20 points in singleplayer.
The more, the merrier. The more, the merrier.
Collect at least 30 Red Stars in the "Treasure" gamemode in a single round.
Party King! Party King!
Win a game in the "Party" gamemode of at least 20 points in singleplayer.
Key Master! Key Master!
Win a game in the "Key" gamemode of at least 20 points in singleplayer.
Professional Tower Crumbler. Professional Tower Crumbler.
Win a game in the "Tower" gamemode of at least 20 points in singleplayer.

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