Very simple (93%): | Very folding (12%): |
Icon | Achievement Name | OK? | Progress | Hidden?! |
All Achieve Unlock All Achievement |
--- | 11.5% |
--- | |
Knockdown1 Knockdown enemies count over 100 |
--- | 87.6% |
--- | |
Knockdown2 Knockdown enemies count over 500 |
--- | 70.4% |
--- | |
Knockdown3 Knockdown enemies count over 777 |
--- | 64.6% |
--- | |
Knockdown4 Knockdown enemies count over 2000 |
--- | 48.3% |
--- | |
Precision1 Knockdown enemies 100 times with the H shot. |
--- | 81.1% |
--- | |
Precision2 Knockdown enemies 300 times with the H shot. |
--- | 66.2% |
--- | |
Precision3 Knockdown enemies 1000 times with the H shot. |
--- | 45.3% |
--- | |
StageClear1 Stage Clear Count Over 10 |
--- | 68.6% |
--- | |
StageClear2 Stage Clear Count Over 20 |
--- | 57.8% |
--- | |
StageClear3 Stage Clear Count Over 30 |
--- | 50.6% |
--- | |
Clear Chapter1 Clear Chapter1 |
--- | 78.4% |
--- | |
Clear Chapter2 Clear Chapter2 |
--- | 64.6% |
--- | |
Clear Chapter3 Clear Chapter3 |
--- | 57.2% |
--- | |
Clear Chapter4 Clear Chapter4 |
--- | 53.8% |
--- | |
Clear Chapter5 Clear Chapter5 |
--- | 45.4% |
--- | |
Weaponsmith1 The number of weapons exceeds 1 |
--- | 76.9% |
--- | |
Weaponsmith2 The number of weapons exceeds 5 |
--- | 56.2% |
--- | |
Weaponsmith2 The number of weapons exceeds 17 |
--- | 18.4% |
--- | |
Benkei1 Increase life to 1 |
--- | 73.1% |
--- | |
Benkei2 Increase life to 3 |
--- | 50.2% |
--- | |
Benkei3 Increase life to 5 |
--- | 39.6% |
--- | |
Consecutive attacks1 Maximum combo count exceeds 20 |
--- | 78.5% |
--- | |
Consecutive attacks2 Maximum combo count exceeds 40 |
--- | 44.3% |
--- | |
Consecutive attacks3 Maximum combo count exceeds 60 |
--- | 22% |
--- | |
Shady agent Clear the stage without knocking down enemies |
--- | 60.2% |
--- | |
Echigoya1 The cumulative total of money acquired exceeds 10000 |
--- | 92.6% |
--- | |
Echigoya2 The cumulative total of money acquired exceeds 100000 |
--- | 70.9% |
--- | |
Echigoya3 The cumulative total of money acquired exceeds 500000 |
--- | 53.9% |
--- | |
Wise man1 The number of times of entering Sage mode exceeds 10 |
--- | 74.9% |
--- | |
Wise man2 The number of times of entering Sage mode exceeds 30 |
--- | 55.6% |
--- | |
Wise man3 The number of times of entering Sage mode exceeds 50 |
--- | 45.2% |
--- | |
Dweller of Time1 The cumulative number of defeated in the Kenja mode exceeds 100 |
--- | 62.7% |
--- | |
Dweller of Time2 The cumulative number of defeated in the Kenja mode exceeds 300 |
--- | 41.2% |
--- | |
Dweller of Time3 The cumulative number of defeated in the Kenja mode exceeds 500 |
--- | 26.8% |
--- | |
Divine Speed1 The number knocking down in one Kenja mode exceeds 10 |
--- | 75.3% |
--- | |
Divine Speed2 The number knocking down in one Kenja mode exceeds 30 |
--- | 13.8% |
--- | |
Restraining girl1 The number of times that you were caught by a girl exceeds 10 |
--- | 78% |
--- | |
Restraining girl2 The number of times that you were caught by a girl exceeds 30 |
--- | 64% |
--- | |
I found her Find Oyuki, who was supposed to be gone. |
--- | 46.7% |
--- |
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