Drunken Robot Pornography
NameDrunken Robot Pornography
ALL achievements11
Overall progress (21%)
Hidden achievements1
Very simple (89%):Are You Not So Precious That You Have Gotten Your First Kill?
Very folding (1%):I'm so much better bees. Look at my shiny unscathed body.

Save the link to your profile and you will see a list of achievements which have the introduction of the profile.
Icon Achievement Name OK? Progress Hidden?!
Are You Not So Precious That You Have Gotten Your First Kill? Are You Not So Precious That You Have Gotten Your First Kill?
You have destroyed your first Titan.
How Did You Manage to Come Out of That Unscathed, Anyway? How Did You Manage to Come Out of That Unscathed, Anyway?
Destroyed a Titan without having lost any health.
I Sang Along! I Sang Along!
I am wearing Rohit's Impossibly Blue Pants. I am wearing Rohit's Impossibly Blue Pants.
We're not telling. Ask your mother.
I have bested R. Timothy Ambrosia in a test of strength and wills. I have bested R. Timothy Ambrosia in a test of strength and wills.
Completed the game on any difficulty level.
I have flown on a jellyfish without taking a lick of damage. I have flown on a jellyfish without taking a lick of damage.
Completed I Fly on a Jellyfish without taking any damage.
I have completed my undergraduate degree without receiving an ounce of pain. I have completed my undergraduate degree without receiving an ounce of pain.
Completed Sophomore Means Wise Idiot without taking any damage.
I'm so much better bees. Look at my shiny unscathed body. I'm so much better bees. Look at my shiny unscathed body.
Completed The Hive without taking any damage.
I have received half a dozen achievements not even including this one. I have received half a dozen achievements not even including this one.
Received 6+ other achievements.
Not only that, I received 7 other achievements not including this one! Not only that, I received 7 other achievements not including this one!
Received 7+ other achievements.
Okay, now this is getting ridiculous. Okay, now this is getting ridiculous.
Received 8+ other achievements.

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