Maze Mart Demo
NameMaze Mart Demo
ALL achievements6
Overall progress (6%)
Hidden achievements0
Very simple (7%):He ate the key !?
Very folding (6%):The statue master

Save the link to your profile and you will see a list of achievements which have the introduction of the profile.
Icon Achievement Name OK? Progress Hidden?!
The statue master The statue master
You was the first to open the first boss room door !
He ate the key !? He ate the key !?
Got the key inside the lava kraken... That was dirty ! You found the key first !
Is this the end ? Is this the end ?
Through tentacles, lava and rotating plateforms... You finally reached the door and opened it !
What was that !? What was that !?
This slope was full of trap ! And you are the first to pass it ! GG.
The best of the best ! The best of the best !
You got the trophy of the Maze Mart Challenge. This is a proof of your hard work, you can be proud of it !
The stupid mistake The stupid mistake
We commemorate the day when the dev lost a trophy at the spawn.

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