March to a Million
NameMarch to a Million
ALL achievements6
Overall progress (32%)
Hidden achievements0
Very simple (90%):The first song to become a legend.
Very folding (5%):The song that put into an 8bit robot heart.

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The song that put into an 8bit robot heart. The song that put into an 8bit robot heart.
Proof that Kairo idol was enrolled.
Sing until it reaches to your heart. Sing until it reaches to your heart.
Proof of running a talent office for many years.
Million records breakthrough! Million records breakthrough!
Proof of the million records for the first time.
The famous singer does not choose the location. The famous singer does not choose the location.
Proof of a bonus rate of 5 live locations have reached 100%
The shiny rainbow music path. The shiny rainbow music path.
Proof of discovering seven specialties you are aiming for.
The first song to become a legend. The first song to become a legend.
Proof of making a song for the first time.

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