Super Gosu Cars
NameSuper Gosu Cars
ALL achievements41
Overall progress (2%)
Hidden achievements0
Very simple (17%):Lapped
Very folding (0):Piston Cup Master

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Hit the Hay Hit the Hay
Destroy at least 50 bales of hay on Petrol Plains in a single player Piston Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
Soakin' Snow Soakin' Snow
Don't use a single boost ramp on Snowy Hills in a single player Piston Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
Drive Without Rhythm Drive Without Rhythm
Drive through all the different rock passages in the desert area at least once each on Twin Oasis in a single player Piston Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
For You the Bells Toll For You the Bells Toll
Hit all 5 bells on every lap on Petal Ponds in a single player Piston Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
Don't Kick It Don't Kick It
Don't hit a single upright barrel on Abandoned Airstrip in a single player Flywheel Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
Soakin' Peat Soakin' Peat
Don't use a single boost ramp on The Meandermire in a single player Flywheel Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
Signing Off Signing Off
Run over all signposts on Volcano Vale in a single player Flywheel Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
The Postal Menace The Postal Menace
Run over at least 12 mailboxes on Suburbia in a single player Flywheel Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
I Ain't Going in There I Ain't Going in There
Don't use the barrel cannon on Tropical Hideout in a single player Crankshaft Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
Snow Roller Snow Roller
Run over at least 25 piles of snow on Lake Autumn in a single player Crankshaft Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
Raze the Light! Raze the Light!
Run over at least 20 light posts on Boost City in a single player Crankshaft Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
Witness Me Do It Again Witness Me Do It Again
Fall off exactly once per lap on The Manufactury in a single player Crankshaft Cup Grand Prix and finish top 3 in the race.
Piston Cup Performer Piston Cup Performer
Unlock the feat achievement for every track in the Piston Cup.
Flywheel Cup Performer Flywheel Cup Performer
Unlock the feat achievement for every track in the Flywheel Cup.
Crankshaft Cup Performer Crankshaft Cup Performer
Unlock the feat achievement for every track in the Crankshaft Cup.
Piston Cup Master Piston Cup Master
Fulfill the requirements for unlocking the feat achievements for each track in the Piston Cup all in the same Grand Prix.
Flywheel Cup Master Flywheel Cup Master
Fulfill the requirements for unlocking the feat achievements for each track in the Flywheel Cup all in the same Grand Prix.
Crankshaft Cup Master Crankshaft Cup Master
Fulfill the requirements for unlocking the feat achievements for each track in the Crankshaft Cup all in the same Grand Prix.
Piston Cup Perfect Piston Cup Perfect
Finish first in all races in a Piston Cup Grand Prix in the Three Star Division or higher..
Flywheel Cup Perfect Flywheel Cup Perfect
Finish first in all races in a Flywheel Grand Prix in the Three Star Division or higher..
Crankshaft Cup Perfect Crankshaft Cup Perfect
Finish first in all races in a Crankshaft Cup Grand Prix in the Three Star Division or higher..
Piston Cup Explorer Piston Cup Explorer
Unlock the discovery achievement for every the track in the Piston Cup.
Flywheel Cup Explorer Flywheel Cup Explorer
Unlock the discovery achievement for every the track in the Flywheel Cup.
Crankshaft Cup Explorer Crankshaft Cup Explorer
Unlock the discovery achievement for every the track in the Crankshaft Cup.
Drift Maniac Drift Maniac
Perform a continuous and successful drift for more than half a lap on any track.
Lapped Lapped
Lap a computer controlled player in a Grand Prix race and finish the race without them overtaking you again.
Look Ma' No Nitro Look Ma' No Nitro
Win a Grand Prix cup without using nitro a single time.
Perfect Timing Perfect Timing
Get a perfectly timed start boost in every race in a Grand Prix cup.
The Comeback Car The Comeback Car
Win a Grand Prix race after starting the final lap in last place.
The Arcave The Arcave
Discover the hidden area on Petrol Plains and the secret it holds.
The Hills Have Gifts The Hills Have Gifts
Explore Snowy Hills to find a reward for you efforts.
Refrigeracer Refrigeracer
Find the entrance to the hidden cavelet on Dual Oasis and discover its chilling secret.
Ya-ha-what? Ya-ha-what?
Dislodge the secret rock on Petal Ponds to reveal its secrets.
Nagaing Suspicions Nagaing Suspicions
Investigate the mystery of the Abandoned Airstrip and find the presumed cause of its abandonement.
Ye Olde Spouty Ye Olde Spouty
Explore The Meandermire and discover a pressurised wonder of nature.
Fossil Worshipper Fossil Worshipper
Venture into the shallow depths of Volcano Vale and uncover a relic of the past.
P.E.T. the D.O.G. P.E.T. the D.O.G.
Politely Extract and Trigger the Domesticated Organic Guardian hiding in its hold in Suburbia.
Ssh! Don't wake it Ssh! Don't wake it
Travel with care to a distant sight in the Seagull Tropics and discover its hidden truths.
Grave Driver Grave Driver
Pay your respects on Lake Autumn to uncover a secret to everybody.
Secret of the Goose Secret of the Goose
Find out what terrors lurk in the shadier back alleys of Boost City.
Like Cogs in the Drain Like Cogs in the Drain
Take a leap of faith and be welcomed to the machinations of the Manufactury.

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