Mari and Bayu - The Road Home
NameMari and Bayu - The Road Home
ALL achievements45
Overall progress (7%)
Hidden achievements5
Very simple (84%):Night of the dancing lights!
Very folding (0%):Victory! Bayu wins the Riverbanks!

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Night of the dancing lights! Night of the dancing lights!
Finish the Anthill for the first time.
Waking up to a new adventure! Waking up to a new adventure!
Finish the Riverbanks for the first time.
What goes down, must go up! What goes down, must go up!
Finish the Tree Stump for the first time.
No roses without the thorns! No roses without the thorns!
Finish the Rosy Bush for the first time.
What a great day for a picnic! What a great day for a picnic!
Finish the Picnic Area for the first time.
Bobbing and Hopping across the creek! Bobbing and Hopping across the creek!
Finish the Park Creek for the first time.
Slithering through the Nest! Slithering through the Nest!
Finish the Bird's Nest for the first time.
Luck is raining down the drain! Luck is raining down the drain!
Finish the Clover field for the first time.
Light at the end of the tunnel! Light at the end of the tunnel!
Finish the Dark Cavern for the first time.
Sweet scent of Sunset! Sweet scent of Sunset!
Finish the Sunset Garden for the first time.
Someone’s trash is another one’s treasure! Someone’s trash is another one’s treasure!
Finish the Garbage Pile for the first time.
The adventure has reached its end! The adventure has reached its end!
Finish the Webbed Forest for the first time.
You see! Collectible racing is fun! You see! Collectible racing is fun!
Completing a race for the Pinata Flower collectibles for the first time.
A tie is a race’s worst nightmare! A tie is a race’s worst nightmare!
Victory! Mari wins the Riverbanks! Victory! Mari wins the Riverbanks!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Riverbank.
Victory! Bayu wins the Riverbanks! Victory! Bayu wins the Riverbanks!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Riverbank.
Victory! Mari wins the Tree Stump! Victory! Mari wins the Tree Stump!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Tree Stump.
Victory! Bayu wins the Tree Stump! Victory! Bayu wins the Tree Stump!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Tree Stump.
Victory! Mari wins the Rosy bush! Victory! Mari wins the Rosy bush!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Rosy Bush.
Victory! Bayu wins the Rosy Bush! Victory! Bayu wins the Rosy Bush!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Rosy Bush.
Victory! Mari wins the Picnic Area! Victory! Mari wins the Picnic Area!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Picnic Area.
Victory! Bayu wins the Picnic Area! Victory! Bayu wins the Picnic Area!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Picnic Area.
Victory! Mari wins the Park Creek! Victory! Mari wins the Park Creek!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Park Creek.
Victory! Bayu wins the Park Creek! Victory! Bayu wins the Park Creek!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Park Creek.
Victory! Mari wins the Bird’s Nest! Victory! Mari wins the Bird’s Nest!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Bird’s Nest.
Victory! Bayu wins the Bird’s Nest! Victory! Bayu wins the Bird’s Nest!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Bird’s Nest.
Victory! Mari wins the Clover Field! Victory! Mari wins the Clover Field!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Clover Field.
Victory! Bayu wins the Clover Field! Victory! Bayu wins the Clover Field!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Clover Field.
Victory! Mari wins the Dark Cavern! Victory! Mari wins the Dark Cavern!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Dark Cavern.
Victory! Bayu wins the Dark Cavern! Victory! Bayu wins the Dark Cavern!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Dark Cavern.
Victory! Mari wins the Sunset Garden! Victory! Mari wins the Sunset Garden!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Sunset Garden.
Victory! Bayu wins the Sunset Garden! Victory! Bayu wins the Sunset Garden!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Sunset Garden.
Victory! Mari wins the Garbage Pile! Victory! Mari wins the Garbage Pile!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Garbage Pile.
Victory! Bayu wins the Garbage Pile! Victory! Bayu wins the Garbage Pile!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Garbage Pile.
Victory! Mari wins the Webbed Forest! Victory! Mari wins the Webbed Forest!
Mari grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Bayu in the Webbed Forest.
Victory! Bayu wins the Webbed Forest! Victory! Bayu wins the Webbed Forest!
Bayu grabs 10 or more Pinata Flower collectibles than Mari in the Webbed Forest.
The great Pinata Flower collector! The great Pinata Flower collector!
Collect all the Pinata Flower collectibles in every level.
Helping family is the most important thing! Helping family is the most important thing!
Saving one of Bayu’s family from a Rescue Stone for the first time.
Returning all of the dancing lights back home! Returning all of the dancing lights back home!
Saving all of Bayu’s family from the Rescue Stones in each level.
You’re a star, born with perfection! You’re a star, born with perfection!
Completing each level with a golden star.
I’m invincible! I’m invincible!
Getting back home in a rush! Getting back home in a rush!
Completing the game within 4 hours.
I have the power of wind on my side! I have the power of wind on my side!
Now that’s queenly majesty! Now that’s queenly majesty!
Oh honey. Don’t set the bar too high! Oh honey. Don’t set the bar too high!

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